Promt Expert v6.0 英文/德文光碟正式版(專業的翻譯軟體)
Promt Expert v6.0 英文/德文光碟正式版(專業的翻譯軟體)
Product Code enter: EEG6PEUN (english) or GEG6PEAN (german)
a license code: 輸入任何的文字或數字即可完成
PROMT is a program from @PROMT Family which is a professional
translation environment and a powerful linguistic editor with a set
of convenient facilities for customizing translation.
PROMT is a uniform translation environment, which allows you not
only to translate the text, but also to edit the translation and
update the dictionaries of all accessible directions of
translation. This program allows you to fulfill both simple (quick)
and complex (professional) text translation, and also to execute
linguistic analysis of translation results which may be used later
for improving the quality of translation of other texts of similar
PROMT is a flexible system which can be customized for translating
the definite text. For this purpose you can attach specialized
dictionaries or create your own user dictionaries. A new convenient
means for customizing the system is the possibility of selecting
the topic template which allows the program to define automatically
which dictionaries should be attached, which words should be left
without translation (preserved), and how to work with special
constructions (e.g., e-mail addresses, date and time, and so on).
Wide opportunities of improving the quality of translation appear
due to the use of Associated Memory databases, macros and
customizable translation rules.