Lynda com Joomla 2 5 Essential Training 視頻教學 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
軟體簡介: 出品的 Joomla! 2.5 教學,Joseph LeBlanc 主講。
Joomla! 是一套在國外相當知名的內容管理系統(Content Management System, CMS)
,獲得過多個獎項。它屬於 Portal(企業入口網站)類型,顧名思義,就是比較適合
作為商業類型的網站程式。Joomla! 採用 PHP+MySQL 資料庫開發,可運行在 Linux、
Windows、MacOSX、Solaris 等各種平臺上。Joomla! 除了具有新聞/文章管理,文檔/
在本教學中,Joseph LeBlanc 將使用 Joomla! 從無到有建立一個小型商業網站,從中
In Migrating from Joomla! 1.5 to Joomla! 2.5, Jen Kramer walks through
moving a typical site to Joomla! 2.5 using two different tools, jUpgrade
and SP Upgrade. jUpgrade and SP Upgrade migrate the 1.5 database content
to 2.5 automatically, which maintains your data and settings. Jen shows
how to download and configure the tools; how to adjust modules, images,
and templates that may have shifted during the move; and how to update an
old custom template for Joomla! 2.5 and fix any styling issues postmigration.
Note: jUpgrade is free, while SP Upgrade has a small fee.
Topics include:
Understanding the differences between Joomla! 1.5 and 2.5
Talking to a client about the migration, plus bulletproof reasons why they
l want to move their site
Downloading, installing, and configuring jUpgrade and SP Upgrade
Reassigning modules to their correct positions
Fixing page headers
Reinstalling third-party extensions
Correcting custom templates?XML and index.php files
Testing the template
Configuring Global Configuration
Launching the site