西園寺雨音 Piece Of Wonder 英文正式版
西園寺雨音 Piece Of Wonder 英文正式版
「Piece of wonder」 means...
An interactive visual novel set in a Japanese school, "Piece of Wonder"is
an innovative fusion of story-driven romance and classic strategygame.
Enjoy the best of both genres as you defeat the forces of evil while you
woo the girl of your dreams.
The choices you make in the novel sections of the game will affect the
outcome of your battles and determine how the game ends.
Becausethere are several possible endings, you need to play through
severaltimes to fully enjoy the world that is "Piece of Wonder".
Novel part
During the core component of the game, the story-based adventure part,you
will be offered many different choices, and your decisions willdictate how
the story develops. Each heroine has her own unique storyand ending. We don』
t want to give away any of the details of the plot,but be sure to pay
attention to your relationship with each of theheroines when you』re making
any decision!
Battle part
As you proceed through the novel part of the game, you will
repeatedlyencounter a powerful opponent called 「Evolution,」 whom you must
fight.With a few exceptions, battle scenes take place in the
strategycomponent of the game. The fate of the hero and heroines lies in
yourhands; do your best to lead them to victory.
When the new century arrived, so did they. Until now, the
Japanesegovernment has managed to keep the mass media from exposing the
factthat the future of humankind hangs in the balance ... that people
arebeing reborn as a new, evolved form of life.
Exactly what triggered the birth of this creature known as "Evolution" is
Kazuya Fuwa, a less-than-perfect university student, and his
childhoodfriend Amane Saionji were leading perfectly happy ordinary lives.
Butbeneath the peaceful surface of their town, Evolution was waiting...