Lynda Up And Running With Studio One 視頻教學 英文正式版
軟體簡介: 出品的時長2小時28分鐘的Adobe Encore CS6入門教程。Jeff Sengstack介紹了
如何構建的DVD, Blu-ray光碟,和基於Flash的網頁的DVD 。Adobe Encore CS6 作為
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 必不可少的輸出元件,能夠進行DVD與藍光碟編碼、刻錄,同時
又可以獨立運行。優秀的DVD製作軟體Adobe Encore,是世界著名的圖形圖像軟體Adobe公
司推出的Adobe系列產品的重要組成部分。Adobe Encore中含有一整套豐富的製作工具和
In this course, author Jeff Sengstack shows how to build DVDs, Blu-ray discs,
and Flash-based web DVDs in Encore CS6. The course goes step by step through
the DVD authoring workflow, from importing assets and working with timelines
and slideshows to building custom menus and defining navigation. The course
also shares quick and easy methods for linking assets to buttons and details
the export process for each output type.
Topics include:
Creating a basic project
Linking dynamically to Premiere Pro and After Effects
Working with menu text and buttons
Defining navigation and using a flowchart
Previewing and testing a project
Burning a DVD or Blu-ray disc or exporting a web DVD